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Electric motors and generators (excluding generating sets)
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  • Electric motors and generators (excluding generating sets)
  • Other DC motors; DC generators, other than photovoltaic generators
  • Of an output not exceeding 750 W
  • Other
  • Power transmission device for controlling the output of exhaust gas turbochargers, consisting of: - a DC motor of an output not exceeding 600 W, - for usage with a supply voltage of 8 V or more but no more than 48 V, - with motor connection (plug-in connection), - whether or not with position sensor, - whether or not with integrated control and power electronics, - whether or not with spring mechanism for resetting the lever, - built in a housing with reduction gear and lever attached to the motor drive shaft, or - built in a housing with threads integrated into the rotor of the motor for linear movement of the integrated control rod

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