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Polimery etylenu, w formach podstawowych
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  • Polimery etylenu, w formach podstawowych
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  • Pozostałe
  • Kopolimer etylenu i kwasu akrylowego (CAS RN 9010-77-9) o- zawartości kwasu akrylowego 18,5 % masy lub większej, ale nie większej niż 49,5 % masy (ASTM D4094), i- o wskaźniku płynięcia 10 g/10 min (MFR 125 °C/2,16 kg, ASTM D1238) lub większym

At Taric Support, we’re obsessed by customs data.

As customs information experts ourselves, we love to dive into the nitty-gritty details. We feel that seeking out complex legislative information is a thrill. We love to study all possible data sources meticulously so that we can assure that all information for a commodity code is complete and up-to-date. And so we also know what it takes to meet all customs formalities.

Read our manifesto