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Heterocikliskie savienojumi, kas satur tikai skābekļa heteroatomu(-us)
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  • Heterocikliskie savienojumi, kas satur tikai skābekļa heteroatomu(-us)
  • laktoni
  • fenolftaleīns; 1-hidroksi-4-[1-(4-hidroksi-3-metoksikarbonil-1-naftil)-1-okso-1H,3H-benzo[de]izohromēn-1-il]-6-oktadeciloksi-2-naftoskābe; 3′-hlor-6′-cikloheksilaminospiro[izobenzfurān-1(3H),9′-ksanten]-3-ons; 6′-(N-etil-p-toluidīn)-2′-metilspiro[izobenzfurān-1(3H),9′-ksanten]-3-ons; metil-6-dokoziloksi-1-hidroksi-4-[1-(4-hidroksi-3-metil-1-fenantril)-3-okso-1H,3H-nafto[1,8-cd]piran-1-il]naftalīn-2-karboksilāts

At Taric Support, we’re obsessed by customs data.

As customs information experts ourselves, we love to dive into the nitty-gritty details. We feel that seeking out complex legislative information is a thrill. We love to study all possible data sources meticulously so that we can assure that all information for a commodity code is complete and up-to-date. And so we also know what it takes to meet all customs formalities.

Read our manifesto