- Serbatoi, fusti, tamburi, bidoni, scatole e recipienti simili per qualsiasi materia (esclusi i gas compressi o liquefatti), di ghisa, ferro o acciaio, di capacità inferiore o uguale a 300 litri, senza dispositivi meccanici o termici, anche con rivestimento interno o calorifugo
- di capacità uguale o superiore a 50 litri
- Kegs, vessels, drums, tanks, casks and similar containers, excluding cans and boxes, refillable, of stainless steel, with bodies approximately cylindrical in shape, with a wall thickness of 0,5 mm or more, of a kind used for materials other than crude oil and petroleum products, of a capacity of 4,5 litres or more, regardless of the type of finish, gauge or stainless steel grade, whether or not with additional components, whether or not painted or coated with other materials