
Heading 8481

Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, including pressure-reducing valves and thermostatically controlled valves
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  • Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, including pressure-reducing valves and thermostatically controlled valves
  • Check (non-return) valves
  • Of cast iron or of steel
  • Other
  • Mechanical check (non-return) valve for opening and closing of the flow of fuel: -with an operating pressure of not more than 250 MPa, -with a flow rate of 45 cm³/minute or more, but not more than 55 cm³/minute, -with 4 input holes, each of them with a diameter of 1,2 mm or more, but not more than 1,6 mm, -made of steel

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