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Vezane lesene plošče, furnirane plošče in podoben slojnati les
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  • Vezane lesene plošče, furnirane plošče in podoben slojnati les
  • Druge vezane lesene plošče, ki so sestavljene samo iz lesenih listov (razen iz bambusa), katerih posamezna debelina ne presega 6 mm
  • druge, z najmanj enim zunanjim slojem iz lesa, ki ni les iglavcev, vrste jelša (Alnus spp.), jesen (Fraxinus spp.), bukev (Fagus spp.), breza (Betula spp.), češnja (Prunus spp.), kostanj (Castanea spp.), brest (Ulmus spp.), evkaliptus (Eucalyptus spp.), hikori (Carya spp.), divji kostanj (Aesculus spp.), lipa (Tilia spp.), javor (Acer spp.), hrast (Quercus spp.), platana (Platanus spp.), topol in trepetlika (Populus spp.), robinija (Robinia spp.), tulipovec (Liriodendron spp.) ali oreh (Juglans spp.)
  • With at least one outer ply of birch (Betula spp.)
  • dobavljen iz Kazahstana
  • Of wood other than okoumé, whether or not coated or surface-covered

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As customs information experts ourselves, we love to dive into the nitty-gritty details. We feel that seeking out complex legislative information is a thrill. We love to study all possible data sources meticulously so that we can assure that all information for a commodity code is complete and up-to-date. And so we also know what it takes to meet all customs formalities.

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